Guru Gita : A Commentary by #SwamiSwaroopananda
#GuruGita #ShreeGuru and #HisDisciple
The Shree Guru, the one who has the highest status, is the one who gives us the highest knowledge. He is the one who gives us Shree Vidhya; Vidhya means knowledge.That teacher who gives us The knowledge; where all our ignorance comes to an end, and the one infinite reality is known is Shree Guru. In the knowledge of the infinite reality all limitations and finitude come to an end. And when all finitude comes to an end all our sorrows come to an end. All our bondage and transmigration come to an end. So one who gives us that knowledge is called as Shree Guru.
Therefore, even the Upanishads say, that those who have observed carefully and have understood that even the heavenly world - gained through karma and through action - is limited; those who having developed detachment even from the heavenly pleasures and heavenly world, having observed that everything is changing and anything gained through action is always limited and want to know the truth and truth alone; those who having practised the various methods - the upasanas, meditations, and having controlled their mind developed qualities of calmness of mind - kshma, dhama, etc., Viveka - vairagya - discrimination and dispassion are ready to gain this knowledge from a Guru. The Mundako Upanishad highlights that such a person should approach a guru. Which Guru should such a person go to? It is here that it clarifies - “Shrotriyam Brahma Nishtam”- the Guru who is well versed in the scriptures.
In Prasnopanishad and in Kenopanishad, the Guru clearly says we cannot instruct you because this knowledge is not known by the speech. In Kenopanishad we are being told that which cannot be told. We are asked to experience that which cannot be experienced. The infinite cannot be conceived by the intellect, you should transcend the intellect to know the infinite. Yet this art of teaching; this art of revealing is there only in the Upanishads.
Even those who have realised - if they do not have the knowledge from the Upanishads they will not be able to reveal it. Thus Shrotriyam - not a pundit, not a scholar who can quote from the Upanishad from the Gita etc., - but Brahma Nishtam who himself is firm in the knowledge of the infinite, who is rooted in the infinite, one who has realised the infinite, from such a person one should approach and gain the knowledge.
Gurum ena abi Gacheta. We should go to a teacher and not call the teacher to come to us. Guru Seva - This knowledge cannot be gained by any other means. We should go to the teacher with an attitude of service, with an attitude of readiness to serve; as what else can we offer, but our service. All wood, fruit, etc are only symbolic - of the fact that we are ready to serve. We should be ready to do anything with humility to get this knowledge, because through service comes humility; through service comes detachment; and it is in that humble service is this knowledge gained from the teacher. The Chandokya Upanishad clearly says “Acharyavan Purusho veda” - that one who has a teacher rather, one who has surrendered to the teacher, that person will know the truth.
#GuruPoornima #Salutations to the #GuruParampara #InHisService #AtHisFeet #AnOffering #UntoHim
#GuruGitaCommentary #Part4
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