Peace on Renouncing Desires कामनाओंके त्यागसे शान्ति 11th June, 2015, Thursday Aashaadh Krishna Navami, Vikram Samvat 2072, Guruvaar The main obstacle in the path of God Realization is desire for sense pleasures and hoarding. You have given such importance to hoarding of money, that whether your life is ruined, whether you end up in hell, whether you go to 8.4 million forms of birth, whether you are insulted, criticized, dishonored, but you want to hoard money - this is a very severe malady. The main problem is the enjoyment of sense and other pleasures. It is due to this that man does not honor his experiences in life; as in place of honoring these experiences, he has begun to enjoy money and pleasures. Now however much he hears and learns, he will be unable to realize the truth. By learning you can become a scholarly person. You can give highly intellectual lectures, you can become a writer, you can write many wonderful books, but, you cannot attain immense peace, you cannot realize this peace. It is two very distinct and separate things, to learn and to experience. There is a difference of day and night between the two. One will experience when there will be no desire for sense pleasures and hoarding. You are having such desires, that let me have so much more money, just a bit more - but the truth is that not a single penny will go with you. You will have to go completely empty handed. Even the body will lay and stay right here. It was not ours at first, and later on too it will not be ours - this is evidentially true. But one cannot understand this simply by listening and sharing. When deep longing will be awakened within, when there is a burning fire within to be free from sense pleasures and hoarding, then this point will be understood from within. As long as you take pleasure from money, till that time, this point will not come into the senses. At the beginning and at the end - in both places in the Gita, while sharing the qualities of a man of wisdom, it has been said, to renounce all desires. In the beginning, God says ‒ प्रजहाति यदा कामान्सर्वान्पार्थ मनोगतान् । (गीता २ । ५५) "Prajahaati yadaa kaamaansrvaanpaarth manogataan | (Gita 2/55) O Partha (Arjuna), when a man discards all desires visiting the mind, and is self-satisfied in own self, he is said to be man of steady wisdom. || 55 || And in the end too, that very same point has been said ‒ विहाय कामान्यः सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति निःस्पृहः । (गीता २ । ७१) "Vihaaya kaamaanyah sarvaanpumaascharati nispruhah | (Gita 2/71) The man who gives up all desires, and moves about without the sense of mine and egoism (I-ness) and shuns the thirst for necessities of life, attains tranquility. (Gita 2/71) Desire for enjoyment of sense pleasures and hoarding is the main issue, and one having these desires, thousands of other desires will creep in. These desires keep coming in the mind, though they are not of the mind - ‘manogataan’. Renounce all these desires. If today you were to die, then the thought that if I survive, it will be good, let even such a desire not persist. The body appears very dear, but it is the kind that will go away, it will perish. First and the foremost, leave all sense of mine-ness and attachment for those things that are bound to go away. If you do not leave these first, then later on you will face a very bad state. If attraction to sense pleasures, money, and things remains, if your mind is attached to these, then it will be a very bad state of affairs. You will have to be born as a snake, a python; a ghost, an evil spirit, a fiend etc. who knows what else you may become ! From book in Hindi ‒‘Taatvik Pravachan” by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Dharmic desires are accepted in Vedas and by Bhagavan. Sri Krishna had family and children so was Sri Rama. Here one has properly understand DESIRE.Sri Krishna when necessity arose he left gopies, Yasoda for Dharmic duty. No desire to stick to gopies. So also he NEVER used his extraordinary powers to defeat Duryodhan. NO desire to get kingdom by desire. HE used HIS extraordinary power to give wealth to Kuchela.Similarly HE used HIS powers to take ARJUNA through Black hole to Vaikunt. Sri Rama when asked to leave Ayodiya HIS face was like just bloomed lotus. No desire to get kingdom. But when given later HE ruled and left. Desire on wealth, woman (another man wife), to get something by lies, the desire becomes lust/ greed etc. Further details wanted please reply.
B.Sathyanarayan. Chennai
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