Significance of Ramayana.......
The words ‘rays’ and ‘radiance’ come from the Sanskrit root word ‘ra’. ‘Ra’ means light,
‘Ma’ means within me, in my heart. So, Rama means the light within me. That which is radiant in every particle of the being is Rama.
Rama was born to Dasharath and Kousalya.
Dasharath means ‘Ten Chariots’. The ten chariots symbolize the five sense organs and five organs of action.
Kousalya means ‘skill’. The skillful rider of the ten chariots can give birth to Ram. When the ten are used skillfully, radiance is born within.
Rama was born in Ayodhya.
Ayodhya means ‘a place where no war can happen’.
When there is no conflict in our mind, then the radiance can dawn.
The Ramayana is not just a story which happened long ago; it has a philosophical, spiritual significance and a deep truth in it.
It is said that the Ramayana is happening in your own body. Your soul is Rama, your mind is Sita, your breath or life-force(prana) is Hanuman,
Your awareness is Laxmana and your ego is Ravana. When the mind was stolen by Ravana (the ego) then the soul got restless. Now the
soul cannot reach the mind on its own, it has to take the help of the breath – the prana. With the help of the prana, the mind got reunited with the soul, and the ego vanished.
Though Ramayana is history, it is also an eternal phenomenon happening all the time.
Mother Sita curious to know about the true self of Her husband Bhagavan Ramachandra enquires who He was. With extreme love and affection, bhagavAn rAmachandra explains the Atma-vidya to His beloved wife.
This is taken from “Ananda Ramayana”.
There is an ocean bearing the name sat-chit-ananda. It consists of waves in the form of “iccha-shakti”. From that wave, emerged a drop having the properties of Ocean, which is also of the nature of sat-chit-ananda. It is named as “Atma” whose parents are “buddhi” (the mother) and shuddha-satva rupa antahkaraNa (the father). This “Atma” got split itself into 4 aspects who are called 4 brothers. The eldest one is called “turiya” and the remaining 3 were called jagrat, swapna & sushupti.
The ocean in the form of Sat-chit-ananda = Vishnu
The drop from Ocean as Atma = bhagavAn rAmachandra
Buddhi = Mother Kaushalya
Shuddha-sattva-antahkaraNa = Father Dasaratha
The 4 aspects of Atma = rAma, lakshmana, bharata, shatrughna
turiya avastha = rAmachandra
jAgrat avastha = lakshmana
swapna avastha = bharata
sushupti avastha = shatrughna
hrudaya AkAsha = AyOdhya
manOvritti ghAta = tATaka vadha
manOvEga bhanjana = shiva-dhanur-bhanga
the yOga with mAyA shakti = sita vivAha
pUrva-samskAra-nigraha = parashurAma garva bhanga
bhavAraNya = daNDakAraNya vihAra
dambha nigraha = virAdha vadha
pAncha-bhautika-shareera = parNashAla
kAma nigraha = khara vadha
krOdha nigraha = dUshaNa vadha
lObha nigraha = trishirA vadha
AshA vicchEda = surpanakha nAsika khaNDana
mOha nigraha = mAricha vadha
shuddha mAyA = the original sita who was not abducted
rajO-guNa-tyAga = the other sita’s agni-pravesha
tamO-guNa-tyAga = the abduction of sita
klesha = sita-viyOga
shOka bhanga = kabandha vadha
bhakti-lAbha = hanumat-samAgamam
ajnAna nAsha = vAli vadha
utsAha in sAdhana = vibhishaNa sharaNAgati
tAraNOpAya = sethubandhana and samudra langhana
mada nigraha = kumbhakarna vadha
matsara nigraha = meghanAda vadha
AhamkAra nAsha = rAvaNa vadha
Yoga with mAyA shakti = sita sweekAra
linga-deha-tyAga = lanka tyAga
hrudayAkAsha punarAgamanam = Ayodhya Agamanam
swAtma-Ananda-anubhava = rAjya-paTTAbhishEka
yOga of hrudayAkAsha and mahAkAsha = avatAra samApti and vaikunTa-gamana
Thus, having initiated Mother Sita into His true form, Bhagavan Ramachandra imparted the mAhAvAkya of tat-twam-asi to Her. Upon contemplation, Sita could understood the secret of Ramachandra that even though He performs the action, He is actually action-less; even though He seems to have attributes, He is attribute-less; even though He behave like ordinary human being, He is of the nature of Absolute Existence, Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Bliss. Thus,
Ramachandra is : “kartavyam api akartavyam karmAtItah nirguNah AtmarUpah sat-chit-Ananda rUpah”
Having known the true self of Her husband, Mother Sita attained Jivanmukti.
srIrAma sharaNam mama…
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