What is love? - There are saatvic, rajasic and tamasic love - here is brief from Swami Tejomanandaji.
Unfortunately, most people neither know what love is, nor understand the meaning of it. Love is very different from the general understanding we have of it. Just take the example of our body. Though I see the many parts of the body, I have the vision, ‘In all these parts there is but one Truth, that is myself, present everywhere in all of them.’ Therefore, I have equal love for every part of my body. There is no favoritism. I don’t say, “I will only look after my head when it is unwell, but if something happens to my foot, that’s not my problem!” I am ever ready to serve all parts of my body with total dedication and love.
A vision of oneness develops love, the readiness to serve all and an attitude of forgiveness – kshama. How many times have your teeth bitten your tongue while eating? Have you ever punished them? By mistake, if your finger pokes your eye, that very same finger says, “I’m sorry,” and starts wiping the tears.
True love thus comes when I see myself everywhere. That becomes true self-realization - Just as I notion pervades only this body right now but not outside the body as Swamiji says. If I understand that I pervade this whole universe then I cannot but love the whole universe. That is knowledge. and that is true love too. There is no other love other than love for the self - this is the essence of teaching by the husband, yagnyavalkya to his wife Maitreyi in Br. Up. Hari Om!
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