Saturday, May 28, 2016

Deadlier than a Snake

“DEADLIER THAN A SNAKE.” by Pt Roop Sukhram.

Chaanakya Neeti Shaastra 17.08:
“Takshasya visham danté Makshikaayah shirö visham. Vrishchikasya visham puchchhé Sarvaamgé durjané visham.”

Translation: “A snake’s venom is set in its tooth, a mosquito’s head is poisonous, a scorpion’s tail stores its poison, but an evil person is poisonous throughout the entire being.”

A philosophical explanation of the Shlöka:
“Takshakasya visham danté.” This means that a snake’s venom is in its tooth. However, by avoiding its fangs, one can avoid a deadly encounter.

“Makshikaayah shirö visham.” Mosquitoes’ venom is in its head. Similarly, as instructed by the World Health Organization, one may avoid the Zika Virus that is spread by mosquitoes, by preventing yourself from being bitten.

 “Vrishchikasya visham puchchhé.” Equally, since a Scorpion’s venom is in its tail, avoiding the tail means that one can avert the venom and the suffering thereafter.

“Sarvaamgé Durjané visham.” However, although there are various ways to escape the venom of insects and animals, it is difficult escaping an evil person, because every part of that individual is laced with venom, and any mistake in letting down your guard will have serious and possibly deadly results.

Again, Rishi Chaanakya stated in Chaanakya Neeti Shaastra 3.04:
“Durjanasya cha Sarpasya varam sarpö na durjanah. Sarpa dashati kalé tu durjanastu padé padé.”

“Between a snake and an evil person, it is better to choose a snake. Why? Because everyone already knows that a snake is poisonous and can strike at anytime, but the devious way of an evil person is unknown.”

Yes, anyone can handle a snake, because everyone knows that a snake is potentially deadly, but how do you deal with a conniving, deceitful and wicked person, especially when such an individual poses to be your friend, a relative or even your very own children or spouse?

In describing the behavior of some, Rishi Chaanakya again noted: “Té martyalöké bhuvibhaarabhütaah, Manushya-rüpéna mrigaashcharanti – In this world, this planet of death, some people are such a burden, they are no less than a wild animal jumping around in human form.”

Interestingly, the one commonality that each of us share is the ability to make our own choice. Thus, Shree Krishna infallibly announced in Bhagavad Geetaa 6:05:

“Aatma’iva hya’aatmanö bandhur aatma’iva ripur-aatmanah - Each person is their own friend, and equally their own enemy.”

So, how can anyone avoid the venomous effects of a “Durjanee – a conniving, deceitful, wicked and evil person?” The antidote for a good person to overcome such poison is provided in the Vedas, as the most potent and yet, the simplest of all cures is the unconditional surrender to God.

Rig Veda 10.27.05:
“Püshéma Aashaa anuvéda sarvaah sö asmaam abhayatam éna nésha. Svastidaa aaghrinih sarva veerö’aprayuchchhan-pura étu prajaanan.”

“Oh Resplendent Lord of Supreme Knowledge, through Your blissful blessing and scorching protection, none shall hinder my path of progress. Whether it is man or mountain, I shall overcome all obstacles.”

Yes! Even the deaf shall hear my voice and the dumb will sing my praises as I walk in the wake of the Lord. Hari Öm.

Post 213 – Date: 05.28.2016: Öm Namah Shivaaya.

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